More and more, bike-friendly cities are receiving praise for their commitment to creating accessible, safe and efficient bike ways for their citizens. Being a bike-friendly city seems to be the gift that keeps giving. Cities that demonstrate a commitment to their cyclists are prioritizing the environment, their citizens health, and most importantly the equity of their population. This sort of reputation can be a catalyst for increased tourism and population growth. Think of Amsterdam, Ferrara, Copenhagen; European cities and towns whose reputation as bike cities are a huge part of their identity. Canada is well on its way to prioritizing the kind of infrastructure that will create safer passage for cyclists, but we have a long way to go. For a city like Halifax, which isn’t built on a grid system, safe bikeways, interconnecting routes and accessibility are the obstacles we face. Luckily, the HRM is tackling this face on with promises of continued bikeway creation and a commitment to their city’s cycling network. However, to keep this movement’s momentum, the public must know the benefits and continue pushing for more infrastructure. Being able to collaborate with HRM and show the faces of cyclists in this city has really brought all of this into a new light for us here at JIVE. To be honest, we’ve been researching bikes for our own use as their efficiency became more and more evident.
Here are 11 reasons we believe YOU should be excited about Halifax’s “Get There By Bike” program, and perhaps give cycling a shot!

1) Reduces air pollution.
Choosing not to drive your vehicle cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions which in turn, helps with global climate change. Biking emits NO greenhouse gases. This can be how YOU help in the fight against climate change.
2) Reduces noise pollution.
The rev of the engine, the squealing breaks, the loud horns of frustrated commuters. All of these things effect the approachability of a city. It can make a beautiful downtown street a nightmare. Noise pollution also has an enormous impact on wildlife. It can interfere with wildlife reproduction, and cause stress to our furry friends. Not cool.
3) Reduces traffic.
Have you ever seen dead stop cycling traffic? Neither have we. Not only do you avoid a lot traffic on your bike, you also lessen it for those who have to drive. This means less idling, again helping the environment.
4) Make safer streets.
With the proper infrastructure, and by prioritizing wide, protected bikeways we give the public a safer option when it comes to transportation. Always wear your helmet!
5) Cycling is fantastic for your health.
Physically and mentally cycling can be a great way to take care of yourself. Double up on benefits by getting your workout while cycling somewhere you need to be!
6) Low impact for injury and/or disability.
Cycling can prove to be a great option for people with injuries and/or disabilities that hold them back from walking or running comfortably. Furthermore, cycling can be great therapy for some injuries. For those that may still struggle with the demands of cycling, e-bikes have been gaining recent popularity. This option is helpful for people of all ages and disabilities who may be concerned about up hill biking, or long journeys. *E-bikes are a great option, but also come with further needs, such as ensuring there are charging docking stations in enough locations to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment.
7) Support existing cycling businesses.
Supporting local and small businesses has become more and more important - and therefore we cannot ignore the potential growth these local cycling businesses will experience as cycling becomes more mainstream and accessible.
8) Sense of community
With more accessibility, communities grow. Cycling groups all over Halifax are holding events, learning opportunities, and community gatherings, etc. There are a lot of people for new cyclists to lean on, and in turn this strengthens our city as a whole.
9) Bragging rights
Being a bike-friendly city can be a selling point. Whether for tourism, rankings, immigration, etc, being recognized as a bike-friendly is a title worth fighting for!
10) Equity of the population
We believe this is by far the most important reason to support Halifax becoming a bike city. Cycling can make the city more equitable. How? By providing access to employment, education and essential services by other means than a vehicle. The truth is, having a vehicle is a luxury. Many rely on busses, taxis and walking to reach these necessities. Appropriate bikeways open a world of possibilities for many Haligonians and can create opportunities for everyone.
11) Fun!
Biking is FUN. This just adds to the incredible activities Halifax can offer its citizens and visitors a like.
Cycling, while as old as the wheel, may also be the way of the future. Let’s get ahead of the ball and make sure Halifax is listed amongst the most bike-friendly cities in Canada - and maybe one day, the world!