Let's commit to safer spaces! #HappyHAlifaxPRide

Every once in a while, a very meaningful project comes across our table at JIVE and reminds us of our core values and beliefs. The SAFER project videos were exactly that.

Inclusion, and creating safe spaces for our 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and community members helps to strengthen our city, province, country and society as a whole. With these videos, our client Wisdom2Action, will help equip educators to do just that.

Thank you to Wisdom2action and Shortstop Agency for trusting us to produce their creative vision. Thank you to Hennessey Casting for their support in finding incredible talent to deliver this message, and to the actors who came with their full hearts to bring it to life. Check these out to learn more about how you can encourage safe spaces for all.

Today JIVE celebrates PRIDE with the community! Let’s keep working to continue prioritizing inclusivity, love and understanding.

Thanks for watching. Let’s keep making space for each other.

*The SAFER Project is made possible due to funding provided by Women and Gender Equality Canada.