Today is the official launch of JIVE Photographic Productions’ new podcast: “Make My Logo Bigger”. To say we are excited is an understatement. This has been a surprising, and exciting venture, and it has become apparent: the possibilities are endless.
Introducing our new podcast, and podcast services.
The creation of this podcast came to life after we decided to add podcasting to our list of services. Working with existing clients for photography and video production, we began to notice that they were forced to look elsewhere to produce another branding tool - podcasts. This was a wake up call to revisit what services the market is demanding of boutique companies, such as ours. It was an easy decision to immerse ourselves into the world of podcasts, and to invest in the appropriate education and equipment needed to do it properly. As we learned how to service our clients, the opportunity to create our own podcast kept staring us in the face - and now here we are.
The goal of “Make My Logo Bigger” (title derived from an industry inside joke) is to open up the advertising and marketing world in Halifax, and Nova Scotia. This is a massive sector in this province and city, and we feel that showcasing some its vets, and new faces, can help build a stronger community with shared knowledge and experience. Not to mention, we all have a hilarious story or two. We hope that this podcast becomes a resource for all interested in this kind of work, and a place to find well rounded answers and opinions about the industry.
All of this has happened pretty organically, and that is what is most promising about this venture. Heck, I even enjoy hosting it, must be my liberal arts background. Make sure to check back monthly as we continue to bring in leaders from this sector and explore in-depth the advertising and marketing culture of Halifax.
For our first episode we brought on multi-talented Samantha Gracie. Gracie is a Halifax born actor and singer/songwriter who now finds herself based in Toronto. On top of her arts career she has also started her own venture in Social Media Marketing - in fact she is in charge of JIVE’s social media. Working with Samantha has been a great joy, and she has taught us a lot about the importance of social media presence and how to approach the new age of marketing on these platforms. We talk about everything from COVID woes, to why TikTok is the app to keep an eye on. We hope you enjoy this first instalment of “Make My Logo Bigger”, and that you come back wanting more.