We realize coming to a professional photographer can be daunting. With little to no experience in this field, how are you to know what to ask for and what to expect? What is the process between picking a photographer and receiving your photos? To an inexperienced party, one might think there is a standard answer to this question, however the truth is, that this is something that needs to be addressed early in the quoting process. There are numerous options available for you as the client and we can always tailor our approach based on your needs. Your expectations should always be vetted during the first round of conversations.
Whenever we quote on a photography project one of the first questions we ask is how many final deliverable images is the client looking for, this means how many files or photos do you want to leave with. This not only clarifies the ask, it also help to inform how long the shoot will potentially take to complete, which in turn informs how we quote on the project.
Once we have clarified what the client needs in the sense of deliverables, we can assess how long it will take to hand over the edited proofs. Realistically this usually only takes a day to three days maximum. Once those proofs are received, the client is able to look over them themselves and make selections based on what they want. We are always open to sharing our opinions on which shots stick out to us - however you are the client and your eye is important to the process. Once the file names are sent back to us we get to retouching. One we have retouched the appropriate files we do the final delivery of completed, retouched images and the client is good to go.
It’s important to remember, timelines can be assessed on a project to project basis. If you have a tight turnaround, communicating that to you photographer means they can schedule each step appropriately. We are here to help YOU, being clear and concise about your expectations can help us exceed them.