On this episode of Make My Logo Bigger, JIVE sits with multiple national and international creative award winner, incredibly talented copywriter and creative director, Iain Deans. Iain now holds the title of Senior Counsel for Creative Strategy at NATIONAL PR Atlantic, and has years of experience creating meaningful strategy for the clients lucky enough to have worked with him and National PR. From discussing a fresh and unique approach to pulling brand narrative from those you least expect - to mental health and creativity, no rock is left unturned. With meaningful discussion about corporate therapy, relationships, and the importance of curiosity and listening, this is an episode that will shift your approach to the work from here on out. A must listen that we are excited to share.
Iain is insightful and inspiring as he discusses the importance of ego-free work, and of hiring smart people, and giving them the space to be just that - smart. Collaboration, listening, and expression are the pillars of the strategic work that can create an actual difference, and this is proven with his interesting anecdotes and examples from the field. As Iain so eloquently shares, its about getting to the truth for the client, and to do that, we must look at everyone involved - even those you least expect!
One Port City Campaign shot by JIVE Photographic Productions in collaboration with The Port Of Halifax and National PR Atlantic
Recently we had the pleasure of working with Iain and National PR recently for their #OnePortCity campaign with the Port of Halifax, and we truly learned so much from the experience. It has quickly become one of our most memorable jobs, and one that has expanded our understanding of branding and strategic planning. We believe this episode of Make My Logo Bigger does this as well. We hope you enjoy - and don’t be shy to let us know what you think! Happy listening!
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